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Restorative Dentistry in Zachary

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Restorative Dentistry

Dental Fillings

Cavities are common, but that doesn't mean they should go overlooked. They can cause discomfort and pain, leaving you unable to enjoy the foods you love. When left untreated, cavities only become worse and may require more invasive procedures to alleviate. Fortunately, dental fillings can repair and stop the progression of tooth decay in a single visit. By returning to the dentist every six months for regular cleanings and checkups, you can prevent new cavities from forming altogether!

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns

Restore your cracked and damaged teeth with dental crowns, which are tooth-shaped "caps" that protect your tooth's natural root and revitalize the function of your bite. As one of the most versatile restorative dental procedures, dental crowns can also be used to cover up a tooth after receiving a root canal or to cap a dental implant. Since dental crowns can be made from many materials, they are ideal for a variety of restorative dentistry and cosmetic applications, so you can smile with confidence.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a great option for replacing one or more missing teeth. They consist of two dental crowns, which are attached to healthy teeth on either side of a gap in your smile. One or more false teeth (pontics) are attached to these crowns. They “bridge” the gap where your missing tooth or teeth used to be, restoring your smile. They're a great option if you don’t have the budget for dental implants, but you want a more permanent and convenient solution than partial dentures.

Restorative Dentistry

Partial & Full Dentures

Partial dentures consist of one or more false teeth that are placed into a metal and plastic framework. This framework attaches to your natural teeth, and holds your false teeth in place. With partial dentures, you can easily replace one or several missing teeth and get your smile back. They allow you to eat, chew, speak, and smile normally, and partial dentures are an affordable option for tooth replacement.

Full dentures are a bit different. They consist of a full row of upper or lower teeth, placed into an acrylic, gum-colored base. Full dentures require the extraction and removal of any remaining teeth, even if they're healthy. For this reason, they're only recommended if you have very severe oral health issues. If you still have a lot of healthy teeth, full dentures are not a good option for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us at (225) 570-4050 to speak with our team.

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