Veneers in Zachary, LA

We are dedicated to providing superior veneer treatments explicitly customized for each patient's needs and desired results.

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Veneers in Zachary | Z Dentistry


Veneers are thin shells made from a durable material that bond directly to the front surfaces of teeth. Their versatility makes them an ideal cosmetic dentistry treatment in Zachary for dental patients looking to brighten their smiles.

There are two types of veneers: porcelain and composite. Composite veneers are designed using a tooth-colored resin that can be shaped and sculpted to fit your smile. Porcelain veneers are created from a translucent, thin porcelain material that is custom-made to fit over the front surface of your tooth.

Veneers in Zachary

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Porcelain veneers require the removal of some enamel. This makes it a permanent cosmetic dental procedure.

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Veneers can fill small gaps between your teeth or treat a slight misalignment of your front teeth. This can allow you to achieve a straighter smile without the need for braces.


Teeth naturally wear over time due to age and eating habits. Veneers can restore your teeth's shape and size to match the rest of your smile. They also provide extra protection for your worn-down tooth enamel.


If you have discolored or stained teeth due to age, coffee consumption, medication usage, or other causes, veneers are an excellent way to correct discolorations. Our dentists will work with you to find a perfect color for your veneers to blend in with the rest of your natural smile.


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You'll have an initial appointment with either Dr. Jason Simms or Dr. Anh Simms to discuss your dental goals and see if veneers are the right option.

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The tooth that will receive the veneer will be shaved down slightly so that your veneer fits over it without affecting your bite's balance or alignment.

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Images of your teeth will be taken to ensure the laboratory creates an exact fit. Your dentist will place a temporary veneer to protect your tooth until the permanent one is ready for placement.

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Once your veneers are ready, you will return and have them bonded into place using a strong dental adhesive.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can use crowns and veneers to improve the appearance of your teeth. The difference is that crowns fully encase a tooth, while veneers cover the front portion. This makes veneers an excellent choice when you need esthetic rather than structural changes.

Veneers are not permanent but can last many years, provided you take good care of them. Our dentists in Zachary will provide all the necessary instructions on properly caring for your veneers so that they can stay in top shape for many years.

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